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Osmium (Os)

Engelska: Osmium
Osmium är ett kemiskt grundämne i det periodiska systemet med kemisk beteckningen Os och atomnummer 76 med en atomvikt på 190.233 u och klassas som övergångsmetall och ingår i grupp 8 (järngruppen). Osmium är fast vid rumstemperatur.

Osmium i det periodiska systemet

Grupp8 (Järngruppen)
UtseendeSilvery, blue cast
Färg Skiffer grå
Antal protoner76 p+
Antal neutroner114 n0
Antal elektroner76 e-
Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedinOsmium är ett metalliskt grundämne som tillhör gruppen tunga platinametaller. Det används som katalysator och i legeringar. Ämnet upptäcktes 1804 av den engelske kemisten Tennant.

Fysikaliska egenskaper

Fas vid STPFast
Densitet22.59 g/cm3
Relativ atommassa190.233 u

Thermal properties

Smältpunkt3306 K
3032.85 °C
5491.13 °F
Kokpunkt5285 K
5011.85 °C
9053.33 °F
Ångbildningsvärme627.6 kJ/mol

Atomära egenskaper

Elektronegativitet (Paulingskalan)2.2
Elektronaffinitet103.99 kJ/mol
Oxidationstal−4, −2, −1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8
(a mildly acidic oxide)
  1. 840 kJ/mol
  2. 1600 kJ/mol

Elektronkonfiguration för osmium

Kortfattad konfiguration
[Xe] 4f14 5d6 6s2
Full konfiguration
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d6 6s2
Elektroner per skal2, 8, 18, 32, 14, 2
Valenselektroner 2
Valency-elektroner 2,3,4
Bohrs atommodell
OsmiumElectron shell for Osmium, created by Injosoft ABOs
Figur: Skaldiagram över Osmium (Os) atom.

The history of Osmium

Upptäckt och första isolationSmithson Tennant (1803)
NamngivareSmithson Tennant
Upptäckten av osmium
Osmium was discovered in 1803 by Smithson Tennant and William Hyde Wollaston in London, England. The discovery of osmium is intertwined with that of platinum and the other metals of the platinum group. Platinum reached Europe as platina ("small silver"), first encountered in the late 17th century in silver mines around the Chocó Department, in Colombia. The discovery that this metal was not an alloy, but a distinct new element, was published in 1748. Chemists who studied platinum dissolved it in aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids) to create soluble salts. They always observed a small amount of a dark, insoluble residue. Joseph Louis Proust thought that the residue was graphite. Victor Collet-Descotils, Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy, and Louis Nicolas Vauquelin also observed iridium in the black platinum residue in 1803, but did not obtain enough material for further experiments. In 1803, Smithson Tennant analyzed the insoluble residue and concluded that it must contain a new metal. Vauquelin treated the powder alternately with alkali and acids and obtained a volatile new oxide, which he believed was of this new metal—which he named ptene, from the Greek word πτηνος (ptènos) for winged. However, Tennant, who had the advantage of a much larger amount of residue, continued his research and identified two previously undiscovered elements in the black residue, iridium and osmium. He obtained a yellow solution by reactions with sodium hydroxide at red heat. After acidification he was able to distill the formed OsO4. He named it osmium after Greek osme meaning "a smell", because of the ashy and smoky smell of the volatile osmium tetroxide. Discovery of the new elements was documented in a letter to the Royal Society on June 21, 1804.


List of unique identifiers for Osmium in various chemical registry databases
CAS Number7440-04-2
ChemSpider ID22379
EC number231-114-0
PubChem CID Number23937