Symbol | Pb |
Atomnummer | 82 |
Gruppe | 14 ( Kulstof-silicium-gruppe) |
Periode | 6 |
Blok | p |
Klassifikation | Andre metaller |
Udseende | Metallic gray |
Farve | Skifergrå |
Antal protoner | 82 p+ |
Antal neutroner | 125 n0 |
Antal elektroner | 82 e- |
Fase ved STP | Fast |
Massefylde | 11.34 g/cm3 |
Atommasse | 207.21 u |
Smeltepunkt | 600.61 K 327.46 °C 621.428 °F |
Kogepunkt | 2022 K 1748.85 °C 3179.93 °F |
Fordampningsvarme | 177.9 kJ/mol |
Elektronegativitet (Pauling Scale) | 1.87 |
Elektronaffinitet | 34.4204 kJ/mol |
Oxidationstrin | −4, −2, −1, +1, +2, +3, +4 (an amphoteric oxide) |
Ioniseringsenergier |
Opdaget | Africa (7000 fvt.) |
Opdagelse af bly Metallic lead beads dating back to 7000–6500 BCE have been found in Asia Minor and may represent the first example of metal smelting. At that time lead had few (if any) applications due to its softness and dull appearance. The Ancient Egyptians were the first to use lead minerals in cosmetics, an application that spread to Ancient Greece and beyond. The oldest known artifact of lead is a statuette found at the temple of Osiris on the site of Abydos dated around 3800 BC. |